Drinking water analysis
Our drinking water is our most important commodity. We therefore highly recommend regular testing to ensure highest possible quality.
If you choose to have us test your drinking Water, we can provide you with the following tests and services:
Free sample bags and recommendations on how to take a water sample.
Diagnosis of suitability for drinking, stock or irrigation
Once your water has been tested we will provide you with recommendations for additional treatments or actions.
Analytical tests
- pH
- Ammonium
- Carbonate hardness
- Total Hardness
- Nitrate
- Nitrite
- Phosphate
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Copper
- Manganese
- Calcium
- Acidity
- Sulphate
- Alkalinity
- Sediment by membrane
- Odour
- Chlorine free
- Chlorine total
- total solids (TS)
- total suspended solids (TSS)
- electrical conductivity (EC)
- Ultra Violet Transmittance (UVT)
- Other
Microbiology tests
- Total plate count
- Total coliforms
- Faecal coliforms
- Yeast and Mold
- E. Coli
- Total bacteria count
Please see our FAQ section for more information concerning drinking water standards